Season 12 Episode 8 - One Shot Movement Podcast SEASON 12 EPISODE 8  - INTERVIEW WITH Cameron falloon - FITNESS ENTREPRENEUR AND FOUNDER  CEO OF BODY FIT  .png

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

(0:00:06) - Body Fit Training
(0:13:07) - Franchising and Rapid Growth With Technology
(0:21:51) - International Expansion Challenges and Franchising Strategy
(0:32:09) - Expansion Plans and Consideration of Challenges
(0:42:57) - Body Fit Training
(0:53:26) - International Expansion Insights


(0:00:06) - Body Fit Training
Cameron Falloon's journey from studying in the UK to founding Body Fit Training, a progressive strength-based group training model influenced by his experience with athletes.

(0:13:07) - Franchising and Rapid Growth With Technology
Franchise business growth, partnerships, managing challenges, and tech-heavy approach led to success for over 200 sites in six countries.

(0:21:51) - International Expansion Challenges and Franchising Strategy
Fitness franchising, technology, gamification, international expansion, cultural and legal differences, and success strategies in the fitness industry.

(0:32:09) - Expansion Plans and Consideration of Challenges
CEO shares growth plans, navigating macroeconomic issues, importance of community, and role of technology in fitness franchise expansion.

(0:42:57) - Body Fit Training
Entrepreneurship and business in the fitness industry, constantly evolving, reaching 1,000 franchises globally, recommended resources.

(0:53:26) - International Expansion Insights
International expansion, fast growth, and unique proposition are key to success in a competitive industry. Our guest Cameron shares his experience and emphasizes continuous learning.


(0:00:06) - Body Fit Training (13 Minutes)

This chapter explores the story of Cameron Falloon, a veteran of the fitness industry and the founder of Body Fit Training (BFT). Cameron takes us through his journey from studying and working in the UK to his passion for rehabilitation and his transition into sports and high-performance training. He shares his entrepreneurial mindset and how it led him to start a 24-hour gym before conceptualizing BFT in 2015. BFT is a progressive strength-based group training model with 13 core programs, 9 of which focus on resistance and strength training. Cameron's experience working with athletes has influenced the BFT model, filling a gap in the group exercise space. This chapter provides insight into Cameron's background and the development of BFT.

(0:13:07) - Franchising and Rapid Growth With Technology (9 Minutes)

This chapter explores the growth and expansion of a franchise business, as we discuss the guest speaker's experience of franchising their business and the steps they took to ensure fairness and success for all stakeholders. They also emphasize the importance of having a strong back-end system and partnerships with supply companies. Despite facing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the franchise has grown to over 200 sites in six countries. The guest speaker highlights the importance of managing growth and constantly learning from mistakes. They also mention the tech-heavy aspect of their business and the role it played in their success.

(0:21:51) - International Expansion Challenges and Franchising Strategy (10 Minutes)

This chapter explores the world of fitness franchising with a special guest, the founder of BFT, a high-performance strength training franchise. We learn about the unique technology and gamification used in their franchise model, as well as their successful expansion into New Zealand, Singapore, and upcoming ventures in Europe. Our guest shares insights on navigating cultural and legal differences in international markets and emphasizes the importance of focusing on fewer countries for success. Tune in to learn more about the challenges and strategies of international franchising in the fitness industry.

(0:32:09) - Expansion Plans and Consideration of Challenges (11 Minutes)

This chapter explores the topic of resourcing and expansion in the fitness industry. We speak with a CEO about their plans for growth and how they plan to manage new regions. We also discuss the challenges of navigating macroeconomic issues, such as the global financial crisis and COVID-19. The CEO shares their confidence in their brand and the importance of community in their franchise model. We also touch on the role of technology and innovation in their business. Overall, this chapter provides insights into the strategies and considerations involved in growing a successful fitness franchise.

(0:42:57) - Body Fit Training (10 Minutes)

This chapter explores the world of entrepreneurship and business in the fitness industry. Our guest, a successful entrepreneur and founder of a fitness franchise, shares their journey and insights on building a brand and achieving success. We discuss the importance of constantly evolving and seeking outside perspectives, as well as their goal of reaching 1,000 franchises globally. The conversation also touches on recommended books and podcasts for business people, as well as the best and worst advice our guest has received. The key takeaway is to never underestimate your influence and to always chase your passions without playing it safe.

(0:53:26) - International Expansion Insights (1 Minutes)

This chapter explores the challenges and opportunities of international expansion and fast growth in a highly competitive industry. Our guest, Cameron, shares his experience in building a successful business with a singular focus and emphasizes the importance of a unique proposition and continuous learning. We delve into his inspiring story and how it can serve as a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs. Thank you for joining us on this episode.


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Reach Cameron Falloon here:

Cameron Falloon on LinkedIn:

Body Fit Training Website:

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