Season 12 Episode 9 - One Shot Movement Podcast INTERVIEW WITH Rhiannon Simcocks - CEO of James Home Services Australia .png

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

(0:00:06) - CEO of James Home Services
(0:12:33) - Removing Barriers to Franchise Ownership
(0:24:17) - Franchise Network Growth and Future Goals
(0:39:21) - Consume Diverse Content and Advice Importance
(0:46:00) - Accessible Business Ownership Opportunity


(0:00:06) - CEO of James Home Services
Rhiannon Simcocks shares her journey in business management and the recent ownership takeover of James Home Services.

(0:12:33) - Removing Barriers to Franchise Ownership
New subscription model addresses barriers of upfront costs and long-term commitment, with a screening process for potential franchisees.

(0:24:17) - Franchise Network Growth and Future Goals
National franchise network acquired by new owners with backgrounds in accounting, entrepreneurship, and growth strategies.

(0:39:21) - Consume Diverse Content and Advice Importance
Guest shares favorite books, podcasts, and shows, best advice received, and value of learning from everyone.

(0:46:00) - Accessible Business Ownership Opportunity
Founder explains unique business opportunity for financial freedom, mentions website and social media as resources.


(0:00:06) - CEO of James Home Services (12 Minutes)

This chapter explores the story of Rhiannon Simcocks, CEO of James Home Services, a franchise business with a 30-year history. Rhiannon shares her journey from growing up on a farm to studying law and eventually finding her passion in business management. She also discusses her involvement in the recent ownership takeover of James Home Services and the process of rebuilding the brand's foundations. Listeners will gain insights into the franchising industry and the importance of due diligence in business.

(0:12:33) - Removing Barriers to Franchise Ownership (12 Minutes)

This chapter explores the barriers that were preventing people from joining the network as franchisees and how the company came up with a new subscription model to make it more accessible. The hosts discuss the two main barriers - upfront capital costs and the fear of being locked in for a long term - and how the new model addresses these issues. They also touch upon the importance of having a screening process for potential franchisees to ensure they are the right fit for the business. The hosts share their experience of developing this unique model and how it has made franchising more affordable and accessible than ever before.

(0:24:17) - Franchise Network Growth and Future Goals (15 Minutes)

This chapter explores the story of how a national franchise network was acquired by two new owners. We speak with one of the owners who shares how his background as an accountant and entrepreneur led him to see the franchise network as a vehicle to help business owners achieve financial freedom. We also discuss how the other owner, with little experience in franchising, was introduced to the opportunity and brought in his own ideas for growth. We emphasize the importance of having a strong moral compass in making decisions for the network and the value of networking and being in the right place at the right time.

(0:39:21) - Consume Diverse Content and Advice Importance (7 Minutes)

This chapter explores a rapid-fire question section with the guest, covering their favorite books, podcasts, and shows that could benefit franchise owners and CEOs. The guest also shares the best piece of advice they've ever received, emphasizing the importance of living each day with purpose. They highlight the significance of short, snappy content on social media and the value of learning from everyone. The worst piece of advice is not recalled, as the guest focuses on pushing out irrelevant information. The conversation concludes with the guest providing information on where to find more about James Home Services and their subscription model.

(0:46:00) - Accessible Business Ownership Opportunity (1 Minutes)

This chapter explores a conversation between the host and a guest who is the founder of a business that offers a unique opportunity for people to become business owners. They discuss the concept of the business and how it works, addressing common doubts and concerns. The guest explains the motivation behind their business and the accessibility it provides for individuals to achieve financial freedom. They also mention their website and social media platforms as sources of helpful information. The host thanks the guests for their time and looks forward to their future journey.


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Reach Rhiannon Simcocks here:

Rhiannon Simcocks on LinkedIn:

James Home Services Website:

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