
Episode Overview:

In this finale episode, we express gratitude for our phenomenal guests in season 12 and give you a little tease of what's to come up for season 13. Hint: We are about to make things even bigger!

Here's a quick recap of the whole season 13, highlighting our guests and their unique contributions:

  1. Paul Roos- a legendary figure in Australian Rules Football, shares his incredible journey from being a player to becoming a successful coach and media commentator.
    Listen to the episode HERE.

  2. Cameron Schwab: a seasoned leadership mentor and coach, shares profound insights drawn from his extensive experience in the field of leadership. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of leadership, team building, and personal growth.
    Listen to the episode HERE.

  3. Jake Munday: the visionary behind Custom Neon. From humble forays in dog products to conquering the detox tea market, Jake unfolds the narrative of his business ventures.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  4. Mat Belcher: Olympic Gold Medalist and CEO of ZHIK shares his remarkable journey from the pinnacle of Olympic sailing to steering a global brand.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  5. Craig Berger: a former Wall Street professional who made the leap into entrepreneurship in the real estate industry. reflects on his motivations for leaving his desk job and pursuing entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of values alignment and the desire to make a meaningful impact.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  6. Scott Bywater: a seasoned entrepreneur and copywriting expert, shares his insights on navigating the complexities of modern life while staying true to oneself and striving for personal growth.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  7. Michael Nuciforo: founder and CEO of Thridayl shares his entrepreneurial journey, from the inception of the idea to the growth of Thriday into a leading solution for financial management..
    Listen to the episode HERE

  8. Jon Gregory: the visionary founder of Vitruvian shares his insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and personal growth.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  9. Matt Gordin & Brendan James: the dynamic duo behind Boutique Fitness Studios, share their journey of building a franchise empire from the ground up.
    Listen to the episode HERE

  10. Sam Beau Patrick: a passionate health advocate and entrepreneur shares the power of embracing life, the significance of art therapy for holistic wellness, and the essence of entrepreneurship in shaping a fulfilling existence.
    Listen to the episode HERE

Thank you for being part of our journey this season. We can’t wait to embark on new adventures with you in the next one. Stay tuned, and as always, keep listening! See you at the top!



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This season I am launching with one of my favourite software tools and that is ScoreApp-  a phenomenal marketing tool where you can add extreme value for prospects in your business. 

Dent founder Daniel Priestley was a guest on the One Shot Movement Podcast and launched this phenomenal tool a couple of years ago and has now evolved to use up a landing page, with copy, and features to help you launch in minutes. If you are looking to grow your business, this tool is simply worth putting into your strategy. 

Try >>ScoreApp<< today.


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